Portfolio All All WaterFloraAbstractsGrasses Mystique, Galapagos Visualeyes, Olbrich Gardens Splash, Galapagos Serenity, Waupaca, WI Together Always, Maiden Lake WI Under the Mangroves, Jamaica Wake, Lake Mendota The Sky Below, Pheasant Branch, Middleton, WI Once Upon a Dandelion, Pheasant Branch, Middleton, WI Missing You, Lakewood, WI Water Colors, Maiden Lake, WI In the Shallows, Galapagos Calypso Sunset, Jamaica Fallen Sand Dunes, Oregon Coast Aurora, Galapagos, EC Water Oasis Pondering Fallen-2 True Colors The Pond Water Abstract Fallen-3 Melting Avalanche Awaiting Fall Approaching Storm This Shall Pass In the Moonlight Hues in Harmony Blue Escanaba Melancholy Lake of the Clouds Early Flight Cool Invitation Maiden Lake Angel Hair, Middleton, WI Once Upon a Dandelion, Pheasant Branch Conservancy, WI Transition, Pheasant Branch Conservancy, WI After the Rain, Ecuador Clamatis, Middleton, WI Leaves as Flowers, Ecuador After the Rain -2, Ecuador Interwoven, Otavalo, Ecuador Parched, Badlands, SD Whimsical, Pheasant Branch, Middleton Among the Dew Drops, Middleton, WI Farewell My Love, Middleton, WI Whisper, Devil's Lake, WI The Light Within Chimera Stuck in the Middle Verdure Sparkles Azul Y Rosa Spiral True Blue Resting Silver Lining Milk Weed Prickly Intruder Nasturtium Midnight Wine Mon Amour Softly Friends Doucement Emerald Symphony Petal Dance Translucent Memories Graceful Elegance Mon Amour Ephemeral Blossom My Dreams Be Happy Intimately Yours Floral Tapestry Cobalt Forest Birthday Candles in Nature Twigs of Hope Farewell My Love Nature's Embrace Lava's Past, Galapagos In the Shallows, Jamaica Jagged Edge, Nevada Fiery Within, Middleton Into the Deep, Middleton Carvings, Badlands Sandbars, Aerial Grass 5 Grass 7 Grass 9 Whimsical